Simian Line Spirituality

With a Simian line, the energy of the head and heart lines are fused. This makes the bearer intense, driven and focused. If they want something, they will work twice as hard to get it as someone else. The most common question people ask about a palm is about the simian line. It is so easily recognized and until recent times, it was common in cases of downs syndrome. An average hand shows three dominant lines. A simian, however has only two, the heart line and head line show as only a single line. The simian is a very interesting character. Are you a man o a woman? If your a man you possess a feature of having trisomy 21 also known as down syndrome, if your a woman your a carrier and possible you can produce a kid having a simian line too. There are a survey that shows person with s. Can Spirituality and BDSM Exist Together? March 30, 2020 The Magic of Feeling Your Feelings. December 25, 2018. Rare Hands: Palmistry & The Simian Line.

Most hands have three easily noticeable lines, the earth (life), which runs around the ball of the thumb and two transverse lines, the water (heart) and air (head) lines. A simian line occurs when the water and air lines fuse and join, to become one transverse line only across the palm.

The name simian line originates from Latin simia, meaning ape. Yet interestingly, the association is inaccurate as, like humans, the hands of monkeys and apes have more than one transverse lines, without any simian line formation.

In chirology the meaning of this marker relates to character traits but it also has significant scientific relatedness to medical chromosomal disorders such as Down’s syndrome. Apparently around 55% of people born with Down’s Syndrome have this lineal formation.

Our water lines relate to what we feel, and our air lines, to what we think. The impression here is that the functions of feeling (water) and thinking (air) have become intertwined. Because of the entanglement between the two functions of emotion and thought, owners ‘feel what they think’ and ‘think what they feel’. So the bearer does not easily know what they are thinking or feeling. Their thoughts are invested with emotional intensity. They may respond inappropriately by becoming overly emotional in a relatively practical matter, and/or the opposite i.e. they become detached in situations that call for an emotional response.

The thing about simian lines is that there are so many associated meanings. Generally a simian line is considered a difficult marking to live with. Many of the line’s associated meanings are negative, yet we remember that there is always the seed of the opposite within every trait.

Intensity is the single most applied word/meaning accorded to the marker. People with simian lines tend to apply their energy to one activity at a time, with fervent purpose being highly characterized, e.g. they might be focused researchers, obsessive exercisers etc. They can’t easily multi-task, have a ‘one-track’ mind and will do one thing at a time.

Many simian line owners pour their emotional energy into their work resulting in greatly positive success in their vocational arena. Feelings and ideas align with goals in a relentless, single-minded manner. There is some form of extreme focus, dedication and commitment to their thinking and to their application of energy.

People who have enmeshed water and air lines tend to be emotionally and psychologically serious minded. They might experience social awkwardness, difficulty relating, or shyness, to the point of their becoming solitary.

They often have a natural accord with nature and animals. It’s been said that ‘they run their relationships like a business’, with possessiveness, devotion, fierce protectiveness and a fixed criteria of both giving and expecting loyalty. Wounds inflicted have deep long-lasting effect – these folks don’t easily let go of negative feelings if they are betrayed.

Many hand readers have suggested a trend in them to having either religious or anti-religious dogmatism or even fanaticism. In old palmistry, the mental and emotional intensity of simian line owners is said to show the tendency in them toward uncontrolled, even murderous rage, where rationality is overpowered by emotion.

People with simian lines in both hands think that everyone experiences life in the way that they do. On the rare occasions of my being approached by a bearer of double simians for a reading, I have found the owners to be very intense and exacting.

A true simian line has no remnant of either the air or water lines. The interpretation is somewhat modified if there are traces of water and air lines.

I'm not big into palmistry or other new age trends, but I've always wondered if there was something to it. Long ago, my art teacher Mrs. Stratton read our palms. She was a big believer and told us some very interesting things about ourselves. When she saw my hands for the first time, it was pointed out that I had a very rare line called the 'Simian Line' which was an indicator of total idiocy or total genius. That's all she really told me at that time. I've stuck with the 'total genius' idea since then.:)
I decided to do some research on it after some of us discussed the palm thing in Dallas last week. What I didn't realize is that the Simian Line is actually a fusing of the head and heart lines. They run as a solid line across both of my palms. I've never met anyone else with this feature. We are a small percentage of the population. It tends to show up in people with Down Syndrome more often.
I got a laugh out of some of the writings about people with Simian Lines. Some of it was spot on. Intense, passionate etc... Yeah, I can buy that. Apparently they also tend to have difficulties getting along with people. Nope. I only have a hard time with stupid people. :)The
There was more information about people with Simian Lines that are below average intelligence. The last time I took an IQ test it was 140, so I think I'll stick with the 'genius' thing (not that an IQ test means squat about anything really). Apparently Tony Blair has the Simian Line on both hands also. Oh joy.
I'd like to find more positive information about this feature. I also wish I shared the feature of being able to focus intensely with my fellow Simian's. I obsess about something for a while, then I'm onto the next thing, eventually getting back to each obsession in time. I like it that way, but there are times I wish I could stay focused better. Skipping around can be exhausting.

Simian Line God Hand

Simian Line Spirituality Definition

Anyone else out there with a Simian Line? It would be interesting to compare notes.