Poe Flask Quality Recipe


Poe Flask Quality Recipe Poe

Poe Flask Quality Recipe

Poe Flask Vendor Recipes


Flask Recipe Poe

I am quiet stuck in the new league.
I am in front of Dominus with no 'immune to bleeding' flasks.
The worst part is that i am spending all my Alt since start because i thought i could make one
with any flask and that it was gonna take a while.
However, i think i readed flasks must be of a specific ilvl to roll this property.
can you guys tell me what ilvl do i need and how can i see the ilvl ?
Thanks !
Last bumped on May 9, 2016, 6:55:39 PM
Posted by
on May 9, 2016, 1:51:28 PM
'Of Staunching' is only iLvl 8, you can check this by picking up the Flask (So that it's on the cursor, like when you move an item) and typing /itemlevel in the chat box.
Also, don't forget you can use an Augment Orb if you only get a prefix, to try and get Staunching as the suffix mod.
In case you're not aware: Prefix is the mod that occurs before the item name (I.e 'Perpetual Health Flask' you can Augment to try and get 'Perpetual Health Flask of Staunching')
Posted by
on May 9, 2016, 1:57:13 PM
Zephyrl has already answered your questions but to add, another great prefix for a staunching flask is a 'Seething' prefix.
Something like this :). The instant recovery when you get the bleeding status is quite nice(saves me from things like corrupting blood stacks for example).
Posted by
on May 9, 2016, 2:39:48 PM
On the other hand, Seething is entirely garbage because it means your Bleed Immunity always lasts for zero seconds. I'd say, get Staunching on a utility flask instead, that way you always get the Bleed immunity for the entire duration.
Last edited by Vipermagi on May 9, 2016, 2:44:26 PM
Posted by
on May 9, 2016, 2:44:04 PM
In my experience it's actually very rare that you need to be immune to bleeding for longer than zero seconds. You can also roll panicked of staunching, if you really want to be able to be immune for longer.
Posted by
on May 9, 2016, 3:10:30 PM
In my experience it's actually very rare that you need to be immune to bleeding for longer than zero seconds. You can also roll panicked of staunching, if you really want to be able to be immune for longer.

Dominus is the only time I'd want it, if I didn't think I could kill him fast enough or leech/tank through it.
Other than that, removal of bleed is generally what you want yeah, though longer immunity isn't a bad thing either.
Posted by
on May 9, 2016, 3:14:23 PM
One thing not mentioned by others so far is that flasks is one area where being in the 'long tail' of bad RNG can make life harder for a solo self found character (and especially a new player, who might not know how important staunching flask can be until after they need one for the first time).
I had one hardcore SSF character for whom I ID'd every single magic flask of every kind that I found from early Act 1 normal onward and burned through every single alt I had solely on flasks and I still had no staunching flask ahead of Act 4 Piety. Perhaps that was your experience this time around, as well. Fortunately, RNG that bad seems to be a rare occurrence.
Corrupting blood rares and bloodlines corrupting blood magic packs, and also Living Blood bosses, can really wreck your day without staunching flask. Final phase Dominus and Act 4 Piety (if she backs up into a wall so you can't run around her or if she catches you by surprise) can also quickly take your character down, without a staunching flask. I believe one or more types of traps in Labyrinth currently causes bleed, as well.
Now that prestige classes will finally leave lab in 4.0, will GGG get it right this time or will they find new ways to repeat old mistakes?
Posted by
on May 9, 2016, 3:46:29 PM
In my experience it's actually very rare that you need to be immune to bleeding for longer than zero seconds. You can also roll panicked of staunching, if you really want to be able to be immune for longer.

Corrupting Blood/line, Puncturing enemies. You can either get all the stacks and then cleanse them once (which is really fucking risky against a hard-hitting CB Rare), or pre-emptively be immune to Bleeding and take no damage in the first place.
Posted by
on May 9, 2016, 4:02:27 PM
Learned things in your comments.. Prefix .. duration of immunity.. How to check ilvl.. Usefull.
Now at least i will only ident ilvl>=8 to save some alts (i dont even have many alt now because of this..)
Thanks !
Posted by
on May 9, 2016, 6:00:07 PM
Checking item level can also be done by simply hovering the cursor over an item and hitting the Alt key. No need to actually pick up item and type /itemlevel anymore.
Going back to playing hardcore, I feel your pain trying to roll the proper flasks, good luck!
Posted by
on May 9, 2016, 6:55:39 PM

Poe Flask Of Animation

What is the recipe for Sanctified Life Flask? I asked google and it tells ma that would be 3 Hallowed, I tried on all vendors on 3 acts, but only get in return 3 scroll paper. P.S.: I am at merciless, with a marauder lvl 60. PoE Chisel Recipe In order to acquire a Cartographer´s Chisel in Path of Exile, the following recipe should be used: 1 Stone Hammer/Rock Breaker/Gavel of 20% quality and any kind of map. Both the Map and Hammer can be rare, magic or normal. A flask is a rechargeable potion. When used, the flask consumes a certain amount of flask charges and recovers a portion of life, mana or grants temporary bonuses for the duration of the flask effect. 1 Mechanics 1.1 Flask charges 1.2 Recovery from flasks 1.3 Effects of flasks 1.4 Quality 2 Interactions 2.1 Flask effect removal 3 Lists of flasks 3.1 Life Flasks 3.2 Mana Flasks 3.3 Hybrid. Vendor recipe (items) result. Orb of fusing x1. Life flask of next base type ×1. Mana flask of next base type ×1. Hybrid flask ×3. Hybrid flask of next base type ×1. Ruby flask of reflexes. Sapphire flask of reflexes. Topaz flask of reflexes. Recipe 4: The skill gem recipe works very similarly to the glass blowers bubble flask recipe. In this case, you can sell your unwanted quality or superior gems to the vendor, and in return receive a gem cutter’s prison more.